The Team is composed of the Project Manager/Coordinator who is the person managing the day to day operations of the project (this role also includes the Project Coordinator, Chief Technical Advisor, and other members of the Project Team). The UNDP Country Office Programme Officer/Specialist is the UNDP programme officer who provides oversight and supervision support to the project. The Project Implementing Partner is the Government of Ethiopia through the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA) and the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI).

Mrs Wubua Mekonnen
Programme Specialist, UNDP Country Office

Professor Julian Bayliss
Chief Technical Advisor, UNDP Country Office

Dr Fanuel Kebede
Project Coordinator (Component 1 & 2), EWCA

Dr Demeke Datiko
Project Coordinator (Component 3), Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute

Kumara Wakjira
Director General, EWCA

Ethiopian WildlifeConservation Authority
Implementing partner for components 1,2,4
Mr Kumara Wakjira
T: +251 910 314351

Ethiopian BiodiversityInstitute
Implementing partners for component 3
Dr Melese Maryo
T: +251 911464019

United NationsDevelopment Program
Implementing partner delegated by donor
Mrs Wubua Mekonnen
T: +251 911561417